Audio/Video Sermon Archive

Displaying 1426 - 1450 of 1453

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/10/00 Why Does God Permit Suffering? Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (Questions) Sermon rh001210-why_does_god_permit_suffering.mp3
12/03/00 The Submissive Mind Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon rh001203-the_submissive_mind.mp3
11/26/00 The Single Mind Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon rh001126-the_single_mind.mp3
11/24/00 Temptations And Some Harsh Realities David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Questions) Sermon db000924-temptations_and_some_harsh_realities.mp3
11/19/00 The Key To The Peace Of God Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon rh001119-the_key_to_the_peace_of_god.mp3
11/12/00 What The Rich Man Would Say Robert Harkrider Sermon Turning to God Sermon rh001112-what_the_rich_man_would_say.mp3
10/15/00 The Burden Of A Guilty Conscience Robert Harkrider Sermon Turning to God Sermon rh001015-the_burden_of_a_guilty_conscience.mp3
10/08/00 How To Walk And Not Be Weary Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (The Struggle With Sin) Sermon rh001008-how_to_walk_and_not_be_weary.mp3
09/24/00 Temptations And Some Harsh Realities David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Questions) Sermon db000924-temptations_and_some_harsh_realities-1349990717.mp3
08/13/00 What Is Self Control? David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon db000813-what_is_self_control.mp3
07/16/00 Dealing With Disappointment David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Questions) Sermon db000716-dealing_with_disappointment.mp3
06/18/00 Real Men David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon db000618-real_men.mp3
06/04/00 Evolution vs Creation Buddy Payne Sermon Social Issues Sermon bp000604-creation_vs_evolution.mp3
05/14/00 Sound Advice For Sidetracked Saints David Banning Sermon Turning to God Sermon db000514-sound_advice_for_sidetracked_saints.mp3
05/14/00 Her Children Call Her Blessed Robert Harkrider Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon rh000514-her_children_call_her_blessed.mp3
04/16/00 Prayer David Banning Sermon Christian Living (Attributes of) Sermon db000416-prayer.mp3
01/01/00 Footloose: The Problem With Dancing David Banning Sermon Social Issues Sermon footloose.mp3
01/01/00 Israel Past & Present Phillip Mullins Sermon Islam Sermon islam_1_history_of_the_jews-1349992280.mp3
01/01/00 The Birth of Islam Phillip Mullins Sermon Islam Sermon islam_2_birth_of_islam-1349992393.mp3
01/01/00 The History of Islam Phillip Mullins Sermon Islam Sermon islam_3_history_of_islam-1349992474.mp3
01/01/00 The Koran vs. the Bible Phillip Mullins Sermon Islam Sermon islam_5_koran_vs_bible-1349992817.mp3
01/01/00 Kingdom of Flesh & Spirit Phillip Mullins Sermon Islam Sermon islam_6_kingdoms_of_flesh_and_spirit-1349992923.mp3
04/05/87 Let Us Not Neglect Our Father's Love Don Hooten Sermon N/A Sun 9am Worship Let_Us_Not_Neglect_Our_Fathers_Love.mp3
03/29/87 Are You Fit for the Kingdom? Harry Payne Sr Sermon N/A Sun 9am Worship Are_You_Fit_for_the_Kingdom.mp3
03/23/86 Committment To The Work Jim Capps Sermon N/A Sermon Committment_To_The_Work.mp3

Displaying 1426 - 1450 of 1453

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